Eight months ago, I quit my job. I had spent 15 years as a marketer and achieved what some may call a successful career. However, my erratic behavior made it impossible to continue working with my colleagues. After four years of working from home and being isolated aside from Zoom calls, I could no longer function in the societal structure of a workplace. I believed that my workplace was the cause of my pain and thought quitting would make me feel better. However, in the five months that followed while working as a freelance consultant, my symptoms only worsened. I began to understand that I was clinging to my identity as a marketer, which was tied to many past traumas, and I had to let go of it. This was a very difficult choice because being a marketer was all I knew. As my physical symptoms worsened, I reached a point where I could no longer breathe while working on my laptop.

The worry of no longer having an income initially frightened me. But I could no longer work without focusing on healing myself. I was ready to let go.

Letting go involves a few important steps:

  • Accept Change: Understand that to welcome new things in your life, you need to let go of old things that aren't helping you anymore.

  • Start Fresh: Be open to learning and trying new things, like you're starting from the beginning.

  • Find Your Drive: Discover something that motivates you, something that lights a fire inside you. It might be a goal or a passion.

  • Balance: It's important to have goals and work hard, but it's also important to find time to relax and let go of stress.

  • Observe: Learn to watch and understand your thoughts and feelings without getting too caught up in them.

  • Grow Your Character: Work on being a better person by following good values and principles.

  • Embrace New Beginnings: Be ready to let go of the old and welcome the new.

The concept of "letting go," especially in the context of stress and emotional burdens, plays a crucial role in the process of physical healing. Here's how the process of letting go can lead to physical healing:

  • Reduction in Stress Hormone Production: Letting go of stressors reduces the body's production of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can lead to a myriad of health issues.

  • Enhanced Vagal Tone: The practice of letting go can stimulate the vagus nerve, promoting relaxation, decreasing heart rate, and improving digestion.

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Letting go of the day's worries and engaging in relaxation techniques before bed can improve the quality of sleep.

  • Reduced Muscle Tension and Pain: Learning to let go of emotional burdens can lead to a reduction in muscle tension and chronic pain.

  • Boosted Immune Function: Letting go and engaging in stress-reducing practices can help restore the immune system's functionality.

  • Encouragement of Healthy Behaviors: The act of letting go often encourages individuals to engage in healthier lifestyle choices.

  • Emotional Release Promotes Physical Healing: Allowing oneself to let go of emotions can alleviate physical symptoms associated with emotional distress.

Letting go is not just a mental or emotional practice but a holistic approach that supports physical healing. By reducing stress, enhancing the body's natural restorative functions, and encouraging healthy behaviors, individuals can significantly improve their physical well-being and resilience. I am currently still trying to figure out what to do in life as a professional, but I can truly say that I now feel truly happy for the first time in decades. 


