I recently recognized the importance of discerning information for my spiritual health. Understanding that what we consume, mentally and spiritually, influences our vibration and alignment with the Infinite Creator, it becomes imperative to filter through the noise with a heart and mind aligned towards seeking truth, wisdom, and love.

I had been catching myself unconsciously scrolling on YouTube lately, consuming more information than I can verify to be the truth. There is so much content out there—some of it factual and really useful, but then there are those baseless claims or accusations that just aren’t founded on any truth. When I’m scrolling mindlessly, it’s impossible to keep my discernment sharp, and I find myself consuming more information blindly, which is the key problem. It’s especially tricky because some of this stuff comes from what you’d think are reliable mainstream media sources, but it’s through intentional editing that they present their information.

This has been a wake-up call for me. I’ve realized that taking things in blind faith just doesn’t work, no matter what “type” of sources they come from. I need to use my own discernment, to really think about what I’m consuming and ensure that I’m not consuming more information than I can verify. The digital platforms make it easy for information to get out there, and consumed in a very short time without proper confirmation of the truth. It’s made me understand the importance of not just accepting anyone’s opinions or statements without solid evidence. And just because many people believe or say the same thing, that doesn’t make it true at all.

I know that some theories might hold truth, but not all are true, no matter how “true” they might sound. So, I steer clear of speculating about which parts of these theories might be accurate. Buying into rumors out of fear or a need to belong is something I’m avoiding now more than ever. It’s about ignoring the pressure to believe in these theories, using common sense, and rational discernment to decide what to believe about any piece of information.

Now, I’m focusing on verifying information with the original source whenever possible, sticking to the principle of not believing in second- or third-hand information. Instead of watching many short clips, I try to keep it to 1 or 2 long format videos per day. It’s a learning process, but I feel like I’m getting better at navigating through all the noise, ensuring that I’m not consuming more information than I can verify.


